Does Your Child Have a Small Smile? Here's How We Can Help


Many people don’t realize that a small smile can affect the way the chin looks aesthetically and also affect the way someone holds their lips.

In this case, the patient is dealing with tight, pursed lips and a downward-sloping chin.

more before images


When the patient arrived to our office, her…

  • Chin sloped downward and bunched together.

  • Smile appeared crowded and smaller.

  • Smile lacked presence or a “wow” factor.

Before receiving treatment, the patient could not fully open her mouth fully to show off her beautiful teeth.


You can see that by not being able to fully open her mouth, her smile appears crowded and lacks presence or the “wow factor.”


Drs. Lemchen and Salzer chose to treat this patient using a palate expander when she was young and finished her case off with a short round of braces.

This treatment plan, led to a more balance facial profile and a chin that slopes upward instead of downward.


a smile with presence


The results:

  • A much wider side profile smile, creating more presence.

  • The chin no longer bunches together.

  • The chin slopes upward.

  • A smile that creates a more balanced facial profile and a “wow” factor.


Side Profile





Give us a call at 212-755-2333 (Uptown) or 212-871-9835 (Downtown), we’d be more than happy to help!